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Irish Heritage Display at "Hymettus"

Irish Heritage Display at "Hymettus"

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Hymettus Cottage

Michael & Marie Taffe opened their home to BDIA Members & Friends to see their collection of Belleek Irish porcelain, Irish silver and some special Irish books. “Hymettus”, the name of the horse that started it all.

This family home has been held by the Taffe family since the nineteenth century, originally build in 1868 and largely rebuilt in 1900. The garden was Champion cottage garden for Ballarat from 1915-1918. February this year marks 125 years since the Taffe’s moved in. They have held many Open Days since 1917.

It was a glorious day and even though we weren't able to have our "Flag Raising" in front of the Town Hall this year, we were able to proudly fly both the Australian and Irish flags at "Hymettus".


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